He bought new saddling for the horse race. 为了参加这次的骑马比赛,他又买了副新的鞍欣。
My boss is always saddling work on me even though I ask for her to be fair. 我老板总是强迫我接受工作,尽管我请求她公平一点。
Saddling millions with properties worth less than their mortgage debt. 将迫使数百万人的资产严重贬值,小于他们的抵押债务。
She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她总是把额外责任加到我身上。
As those loans and securities lose value, they are saddling the banks with losses and constricting their ability to lend. 由于这些不良贷款和有毒证券丧失了价值,它们使银行业蒙受了损失,并抑制了各银行对外放贷的能力。
I will vote NO today on saddling taxpayers with this exorbitant bill which amounts to$ 2,500 for every man, woman and child. 我今天将投票反对这一蹂躏纳税人的法案,该法案分摊到每一个男人,妇女和儿童身上达$2500。
If your boss is saddling you with more responsibility with a project or promotion, be sure you understand exactly what that will mean for your success. 如果你的老板让你扛上一个具有更大责任的项目或晋升,你一定要知道到底它对你成功的含义是什么。
Meanwhile, the US mortgage mess crimps consumer spending by saddling distressed homeowners with excessive liabilities and preventing them from moving to where the jobs are. 同时,美国抵押贷款市场的烂摊子也抑制了消费者支出,因为它让陷入困境的房屋拥有者背上了巨额债务,妨碍他们把家搬到有工作机会的地方。
They also questioned how the government would force the bank to lend more to small businesses without saddling the taxpayer with excessive risks. 他们还质疑政府如何能在不让纳税人承担过度风险的情况下迫使该行增加对小企业放贷。
It claims those saddling themselves with credit card debt will feel empowered and have better self-esteem. 根据这项调查的说法,欠信用卡卡债能让人感觉更有力量,因而生活得更自信。
His argument: these institutions, with their lobbyists and political contributions, are gaming the regulatory system so that they end up saddling students with worthless degrees and a mound of debt. 他的论点是:这些机构通过说客和政治献金,将监管体系玩弄于股掌之上,学生们则为了一钱不值的学位,而欠下堆积如山的债务。
Rather than saddling future taxpayers with debt for what will be at best a slight temporary relief, better to boost the economy by cutting taxes and reforming inefficient regulatory structures. 如更好地推动经济的减税方案和改革低效率的政府管理结构而不是以未来纳税人的债务来作暂时轻度的纾困。
With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to the barns where Brian, one of our cowhands, was saddling up to check heifers in the North pasture. 看到贝基安全地回到了我的怀抱,我赶紧向牲口棚跑去。我们的牧牛工布赖恩正要备马去北方牧场查看小母牛。
Many small businesses are seen heading for trouble because they used home equity loans to fund their businesses during the housing boom, saddling themselves with too much debt in the process. 许多小型企业看到标题就头痛。因为他们用房屋净值贷款,以资助其业务在房市繁荣,在这期间强加诸自己很多债务。
With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to the barns where Brian, one of our cowhands, was saddling up. 贝基安全地在我怀里,我跑向谷仓。我们的一个牧牛工,布赖恩,在那里上马鞍。
But should the world's most indebted rich country really be saddling the sovereign balance sheet with equity no one else wants? 但是,这个全球负债最高的富国真应该将没人要的股票塞进国家的资产负债表吗?
English: Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway. 勇气是死亡所畏惧的-它胜过一切。
Emperors over centuries used his teachings to justify their own despotism, saddling the doctrine with a bad name in the process. 过去几百年,历代皇帝都曾利用儒家学说来为自己的专制辩护,在此过程中,让这种学说背上了恶名。
These problems are especially marked in countries such as Greece, where the system has privileged insiders while saddling the rest of the population with enormous debts and the prospect of sovereign default. 在希腊这样的国家,这种问题尤为突出。希腊存在体制内的特权阶级,而巨额债务和可能发生的主权债务违约都由普罗大众承担。
Skeptics say the state-directed investment binge is simply storing up problems by saddling the banks with huge, incipient bad debts as a result of lax lending to local governments. 怀疑者则称,政府引导的投资热潮仅会导致问题成堆,让银行承受巨额的隐性不良贷款,这是银行放松对地方政府贷款限制的结果。
A recent report by Numis Securities estimated that British house prices could fall by a further 40-55%, saddling millions with properties worth less than their mortgage debt. 野村证券最近的一份报告估计英国房屋价格可能再跌40-55%,数以百万记的资产将低于他们的抵押价格。
In that regard, my country does not believe it necessary to reinterpret the operative paragraphs of that resolution or to keep saddling the parties with additional obligations. 在这方面,我国不认为必须重新解释该决议的各执行段,或是要求双方承担额外的义务。
Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway. "-John Wayne" 勇气是死亡所畏惧的-它胜过一切。“-约翰·威恩”