It was sold to a private owner and all the furnishings auctioned off. 最终,它被买给了私人买家,里面所有的家具装饰都被拍卖一空。
364-day Bills are auctioned every four weeks on Thursday, 13 times a year. 364天的每四个星期拍卖一次,在星期四进行,一年拍卖13次。
Two others have been auctioned off to ABN AMRO and Chinatrust. 另外还有两家银行被拍卖给了荷兰银行和中国信托。
Other captains and buyers were in the big room examining the pearls that were to be auctioned next day. 别的船长和买主都在那间大房子里,参观第二天就要拍卖的珠宝。
The house used for scenes from the Harry Potter films is to be auctioned in London later this month. 曾用于拍摄电影《哈利·波特》的房子本月将在伦敦被拍卖。
His painting was auctioned off for ¥ 100,000. 他的画以人民币十万元落槌。
A lot of permits will be auctioned. 大量的许可证将要被拍卖。
In Paris, Old Summer Palace's rabbit and mouse has been auctioned, the thing auctioned is how ignominious! 在巴黎,圆明园的兔和鼠首被拍卖了,拍卖抢来的东西是多么可耻啊!
The first boatloads of silver salmon were auctioned in July. 7月份,他们首次拍卖了整船整船的银鲑鱼。
The three watercolours auctioned on Saturday included depictions of cottages, mills and churches nestled in rural landscapes. 上周六被拍卖的三幅水彩画描绘的是德国乡间的村舍、磨坊和教堂。
TV franchises will be auctioned to the highest bidder. 电视特许经营权将拍卖给出价最高的投标人。
Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. 只有儿子这幅画是要拍卖的。
Will be auctioned and the rest used for digital services. 将被拍卖,其余的用于数字服务。
The 2.5 minutes of footage will be auctioned off later this month. 这段2.5分钟的镜头将在这个月底被拍卖。
The Central Bank, which has ample reserves, has auctioned dollars. 持有大量外汇储蓄的央行已经拍卖了美元。
Gold watches were being auctioned at the beach. 当时金表拍卖正在海滩举行。