His home became a place of refuge for the believers. 他的家成了信徒们的避难之处。
The Catholic Church thus appeals to all believers and non-believers, to all schools and to all teachers. 因此天主教教会向所有信徒和非信徒、所有学校和教师发出呼吁。
You need to spend time with other believers. 你需要花时间和其他信徒在一起。
None of my friends were Christian believers. 我的朋友中没有一个是基督徒。
And I have met repeatedly with Chinese dissidents and religious believers. 我并多次会见中国持不同政见者和宗教信徒。
Sorrows of Your believers, You dispel. 你的信徒的悲伤,你驱散。
One incident in particular sparked tremendous outrage and sorrow among Israelis, Jews and believers around the world. 其中一个事件在以色列人、犹太人和全世界的信徒中激起了极大的愤慨。
Believers, animism and shamanism, some Protestant and Catholic Christianity. 多信万物有灵和萨满教,部分信基督教新教和天主教。
The Lord will have the resurrected and glorified believers join Him in the glories of eternal life in heaven. 主会使复活了的荣耀的信徒进入他天国永远的荣耀生命中。
You explain that the ancient Chinese were great mathematicians and believers in numerology. 你解释古老中国人是了不起的数学家和信徒在命理学方面。
My purpose is to pray for believers and those who do not know God. 我定意为信徒和不认识神的人祷告。
Let's pray for all believers are filled of the Holy spirit! 让我们祷告:求圣灵充满所有的信徒!
That helped the Republicans in 2004, when they recruited more true believers. 这在2004年大大帮助了共和党,当时他们征募了更多的真正的共和党信徒。
We, His believers, have all received His salvation through faith in Him. 我们这些主的信徒,都已借信接受了祂的救恩,这是()。
Believers realise that they need saving from sin and require God's grace. 信徒认识到他们需要从罪中得救,需要神的恩典。
How will you demonstrate your commitment to other believers and connection to the family of God? 你要如何表明你对其他信徒以及与神家的连结?
Their drunken revelry, their shameless flirting, must have offended the righteous believers in the jihad. 他们醉醺醺的狂欢,不知廉耻的调情,他们毫无疑问的冒犯了圣战中的正义的信徒们。
Paul had come to Jerusalem to bring money to the Jewish and non-Jewish believers. 保罗来耶路撒冷是带钱给犹太和非犹太的信徒的。
Continue their imperious crusade against the true believers and pure followers. 在继续他们反对真正信徒与纯洁信徒的专横的讨伐。
The only Christian believers left are local Somalis. 当地的索马里人已是仅有的基督徒了。
There's no behavioral difference between believers and non-believers. 在信徒和非信徒之间没有行为差异。
We can see the clues which shows that religious music gives believers psychologic impetus in analysis psychology. 我们可以在分析心理学的架构中看到宗教音乐对信徒的心理动力线索。
The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write this letter for believers of all time. 圣灵激励使徒保罗写这封书信给所有世代的信徒。
As believers, we are commanded to fellowship with other believers. 作为信徒,我们应当与其他信徒一起参加团契。
Believers who trust in God's salvation especially benefit from this blessed, delivering message. 相信神救恩的信徒尤其从这个蒙福的救赎信息中得到益处。
To encourage Jewish believers undergoing persecution and seeking to abandon their faith in Christ. 鼓励在被迫害中想要放弃对基督信仰的犹太信徒。
But look how they treat us, Make us believers. 但看看他们怎么对待我,让我们成为他们的信徒。
Pray that you may love your fellow believers with the same love with which Christ loved you. 要祷告主,好让你能用基督爱你的那个爱,去爱你的弟兄。
In some instances State officials tried to make believers renounce their religion and join a State-approved religion. 在某些情况下,国家官员试图使信徒宣布放弃自己的宗教,而加入国家认可的宗教。
If God has genuinely spoken to you, he will confirm it through other mature believers. 如果上帝真的在对你说话,他会通过灵命成熟的信徒来确认。