Mr de Coster blames the prime brokers in part for this. 德科斯特把这个问题部分归咎于一级经纪商。
"It is not like comparing returns to an index," says Mr De Coster. “这不同于将回报与指数相比较,”德科斯特称。
? Adalberto Geier, Coster, Italy, gave a fascinating lecture on the process of developing BOV and advantages of this technology. ?阿达尔韦托盖尔,科斯特,意大利,让一个引人入胜的讲座的发展过程中BOV和技术优势。
Mr De Coster says a simple approach can pay dividends. 德科斯特表示,一个简单的方法会带来回报。
These are often sold out quickly, but not necessarily to new customers, Coster says. 按Coster的说法,这款新手机总是很快就销售一空,不过购买这款手机的用户并不全是新购机用户。
Valet aerosol filling center Italy have imported advanced production equipment, And supporting the world's most advanced detection system COSTER equipment. 气雾剂代客填充中心拥有意大利进口的先进生产设备,并配套了世界上最先进的COSTER检测系统设备。
The body is thus ill-prepared to adequately transport oxygen and offset the by-products of fast running, so it's harder to generate the power to run at goal pace, says Coster. 这样身体准备不够,就无法保证足够的氧气传输和抵消了快跑的副产品,这样就很难产生最够的能量以达到最终跑步的目的。Coster说。
Although at the top of the food chain in the area, the bird "seemed remarkably nervous", says Coster, and remained for only a few minutes before leaving. 科斯特说,这种鸟虽然处于这个地区食物链的顶端,但是“似乎特别紧张”,只待了几分钟就飞走了。
Mr de Coster believes that profiting or keeping losses to a minimum in the bad times gives investors the courage to stay in the markets and take advantage of later upswings. 德科斯特认为在不景气时获利或将损失最小化会为投资者带来留在市场中的勇气,并从以后的市场上扬中受益。
Start Stock prices took a roller coster right roller-coaster ride this week& down one day, up the next. 本周股市价格像坐过山车一样&今天下跌明天涨。
Discuss on therapy of knock and needle with plum blossom and cupping for herpes coster in 23 cases 梅花针叩刺与拔罐疗法治疗带状疱疹23例体会
Preliminary Studies on Fungistasis of Extracts from Tagetes patula INSECTICIDAL EFFECT OF RAW EXTRACTS OF COSTER BEAN TOXIN 蓖麻毒素粗提物杀虫作用的研究