Participates in the human who extorts with the hygiene education profession concerning. 参与勒索的人跟文教卫生行业有关。
Any unit or individual that extorts repayment of a debt by illegal detention of a person or illegal distrainment of property shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the law, or shall be punished with detention or a fine. 任何单位和个人采取非法拘禁他人或者非法私自扣押他人财产追索债务的,应当依法追究刑事责任,或者予以拘留、罚款。
Article 247 Any judicial officer who extorts confession from a criminal suspect or defendant by torture or extorts testimony from a witness by violence shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. 第二百四十七条司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人实行刑讯逼供或者使用暴力逼取证人证言的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
Liu Wan Tao blackmails the massive facts which, extorts, tolerates other people to do evil, vibrated entire has clamped Pi Gouzhen, caused the Huadian police station party committee to take seriously. 刘万涛敲诈、勒索、纵容他人作恶的大量事实,震动了整个夹皮沟镇,引起了桦甸市公安局党委的高度重视。
Verifies after court trying, Shi Junqing is in conspiracy with the Zhao premeditation to kidnap his/ her the nephew dragonet, and extorts his/ her the father wealth. 经法院审理查明,史俊清伙同赵某预谋绑架其侄子小龙,并勒索其父钱财。
That is, the case of Mr. Ye who extorts. Part ⅱ: the introduction of the case. 即叶某某敲诈勒索案。第二部分:案情介绍。
Joint acceptance of bribes are criminal acts that state functionaries each other or with other persons, by taking advantages of their position, extorts or accepts another persons 'money or property in return for securing benefits. 共同受贿罪,是指国家工作人员相互之间或者和他人相互勾结,共同利用职务之便,索取或收受贿赂,为他人谋取利益的犯罪行为。
Establish Compensation Liability of a Civil Servant Who Extorts a Confession by Torture 确立刑讯逼供者对受害人的损害赔偿责任
Characterization Research on the Act of Constrain Others and Extorts Their Property& Analyzing PRC v. Baoying Yang 拘禁他人并向其勒索财物行为之定性研究&杨保营案的分析