What do you think of when you hear dungeons and dragons, ghost and goblins or kings and queens? 地下城和恶龙、幽灵和地精或者国王和王后,这些词会让你想到些什么呢?
When I fight goblins or kobolds, I know that I will not lose. 当我与地精或狗头人战斗时,我知道我不会输。
May you Halloween be full of friendly ghosts and goblins. 原你的万圣节充满友好的精灵和妖怪。
Goblins attacked you, I take it. 地精袭击过您,我猜。
You have soured the naturally excellent disposition of ghosts and goblins. 你们丑化了鬼魂和精灵的善良本性。
I believe you refer to them as goblins? 我相信你们把他们称为丑小鬼?
Using their newfound intelligence, the goblins freed themselves of the jungle trolls and took over the entire isle. 利用他们信得到的智能,他们将自己从丛林巨魔的奴役下解放了出来,并占领了整个岛屿。
To me, Central Park has an atmosohere of mystery, as if it wereenchanted with fairies and goblins. 对我来说,中央公园有一种神秘的气氛,仿佛被仙女和精灵施了魔法。
But soon he was discovered by the goblins that lived in the woods. 但是他随后就被居住在树林里的小妖精发现了。
I'll be over here killing goblins. 我反正在这里继续杀怪了。
The confused Night Goblins scattered leaving piles of dead in their wake. 夜地精们疑惑地散开了,在它们的身后留下了成堆的尸体。
Your spell put the goblins to sleep! 你的法术让地精们睡着了!
On Brilliant Island, the most important strategy to earn diamond is to show your faith in The Goblins; 在灿烂的岛上,赚得钻石的最重要的策略是表示你对顽皮的丑小鬼的信心;
GTB: You know how goblins are "usually Neutral Evil"? We think that's so lame. 你怎么知道地精“总是中立邪恶”的?我们觉得这太逊了。
Goblins are a race of highly intelligent creatures who live side by side with wizards. 妖精是一个具有高度智能的生物种族,他们住的地方和巫师住的地方之间没有界线。
Legends say a djinn gave the goblins a gift they could never hope to master. 有个传奇故事说,一个巨神给了精灵们一项天赋,但他们从来没指望能够掌握。
Town/ Village Walkers, Ransom Brokers, and Travellers are now a mixture of human, elf, dark elf, orc, and goblins. 镇/村沃克,兰塞姆经纪人和旅客现在的混合物人力,精灵,黑暗精灵,半兽人,和哥布林。
Clever as they come goblins, were not the most friendly of beasts. 妖精聪明得很,但它们都是不太友善的动物。
In fact, goblins are extremely clever and more than able to stand up to wizards. 实际上,妖精聪明极了,完全有能力与巫师分庭抗礼。
For generations, Norwegian children have been fed images of make-believe characters such as trolls, sirens and goblins. 一代代的挪威儿童都会听说到一些虚构的人物形象,如洞穴巨人、上女妖和小妖精。
And fiends, goblins, monsters, giants 恶魔,丑妖精,怪物和巨人
Two more goblins guard these doors which they will open to let you pass into the main hall. 另外两个妖精守卫这些门,他们将会开门让你进入主大厅。
Zeppelins are giant flying airships that have traditionally been run by Goblins. 地精飞艇是一种巨大的飞船,传统上由地精们驾驶。
The Dragon Soul ( now known as the Demon Soul) was killing Deathwing, so he had the goblins forge him some adamantite armor to keep him from being torn apart. 龙之灵魂(现在被称为恶魔之魂)正在慢慢的杀死死亡之翼,因此他叫地精为他锻造了一副坚固的铠甲以使他免于被撕裂。
These goblins and freaks are all within the realm of possibility today. 可是,现在这些畸型和突变,都有发生的可能。
In the Third War, goblins returned to their roots of playing both sides, and supplied the Horde and Alliance with transportation and machinery. 在第三次战争中,地精重新回到了中立的一方,同时为部落和联盟提供运输工具和机械。
Goku may be ghosts and goblins have been eliminated or captured, as early as left the Dragon King's palace. 可能是妖魔鬼怪已被悟空消灭或生擒,早离开了龙宫。
Oh, oh, I know this one! It's better than doing business with failed goblins that had to beg others for help! 哦,我可是知道这个问题的答案!这比和一群失败恳求别人帮助的哥布尔做生意还要好上许多!
Goblins have mastered many subterranean creatures, including a massive beetle, which speeds through the rough-hewn caverns. =>小妖精已经征服了许多地下生物,其中也包括能够在地下洞穴中高速穿行的巨型甲虫。