CONSORT: The gods and goddesses have saved us! 神和女神拯救了我们!
You are creator gods and goddesses. 你们是神和女神造物主。
'Basic Instinct' catapulted her to top status among Hollywood's glamour goddesses. 《本能》使她跃至一线,成功跻身好莱坞耀眼的女明星之列。
The gods and goddesses in heaven despised Chang Er because she had abandoned her husband. 在天上的神和女神嫦娥鄙视,因为她已经抛弃了她的丈夫。
The gods and goddesses of the dualistic worship were to him mere fantasies of the deluded mind. 神和女神的二元崇拜对他来说纯粹是迷惑头脑的幻想。
He became sympathetic toward the Hindu gods and goddesses, explaining them in a liberal fashion. 他变得对印度教的神和女神有同情心,以一种自由主义的风格解释他们。
It is a merging with the Goddesses and Gods, the universal energies which created all in existence. 它是女神和男神的结合、创造了万物的宇宙能量就在存在的实物里面。
It caused a violent quarrel among the three goddesses, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. 苹果在赫拉,雅典娜和阿芙罗狄蒂三位女神间引起了激烈争执。
Several goddesses began to gain importance in this period. 几位女神在这个时期也开始增加了重要性。
Many days were named for gods and goddesses in the old myths. 大多天数以古代神话和女神的名字命名。
Therefore these men was giving thanks to those goddesses yesterday. 因此,在昨天,这些男人感谢了那些女神们。
There are festivals and ceremonies associated not only with gods and goddesses but also with the sun, moon, planets, rivers, oceans, trees and animals. 有很多节日和典礼不仅仅是与神和女神相关,而且还与太阳、月亮、行星、河流、海洋、树木和动物有关系。
Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. 160是英国女王的罗马神和女神。
Of all the goddesses of ancient mythology, none was more widely venerated than the goddess of love. 在古代神话里所有的女神中,没有一个比爱神更受到普遍的尊敬。
She was one of the most powerful goddesses to be talked about in Greek mythology. 她是希腊神话中最强大的女神之一。
All the planets, except for one, are named after gods and goddesses in Greek or Roman legends. 除了一个以外,其余的行星都是以希腊或罗马神话中的天神的名字命名的。
The Greek goddesses who presided over the arts and sciences. “缪斯”是希腊神话中的九位文艺和科学女神的通称。
As shown in Hung's works, cartoon and video stars become the false goddesses. 如同洪东禄的作品所呈现的那样,卡通和录像明星成为虚伪的女神。
According to this sect, all cosmic beings were created by the sexuality of goddesses. 根据这个教派,所有的宇宙生命通过女神性活动被创造。
In effect, we become "gods" and "goddesses," our bodies transformed into temples of male and female divinity. 结果是,我们成为神和女神,我们的身体转化,进入男性和女性神性的庙宇里。
Feather: So will we be seeing you two goddesses again? 羽毛:,还会再和你们两位女神见面吗?
He would always say, humbly, that this shows that even the sons of goddesses possess frailities. 他总是谦虚地说,这证明了即使是女神的儿子也有不完美的地方。
You will sit beside the gods and goddesses for all of eternity. 你将永远坐在神的中间。
In the mall we see our flaxen haired goddesses with America's Most Wanted. 在超市里我们会看到亚麻色头发的绝代美女和美国头号通缉犯在一起。
It is in this pyramid that the entities known as spiritual masters and teachers, angels, gods and goddesses, and spiritual guides, originated. 在这金字塔里实体犹如熟知的灵性大师和导师,天使,神/女神,指导灵和源头。
They are truly the goddesses of this earth. 她们是真正的这个地球的女神。
Index of gods, goddesses, and mythology from around the world. 世界各地男女神灵,及其神话的索引。
At the work, Dayong began to realize that his wife and her sister were peony flower goddesses. 大用这才知道自己的妻子和弟妹都是牡丹花神变的。
He could not wait for the lovely goddesses to return. 他不能等待这些可爱的女神返回。
And there are the sort of goddesses or Aeolus of wind and handmaiden for Venus herself. 也毋庸说那些送来鲜花的女神,把维纳斯送到岸边的风神,和她那些侍女等都是虚构出来的。