They hope that their work will instil a sense of responsibility in children. 他们希望自己的工作能够逐步培养起孩子们的一种责任感。
The motive of the executions would be to instil fear. 执行死刑的动机是要灌输恐惧。
A national plan to promote solidarity between young people and to instil values has also been established. 还制定了一项国家计划促进青年人之间的团结和灌输价值观念。
We need to instil hope and actualize our universal aspirations to peace, cooperation and development. 我们需要抱有希望,并实现我们对和平、合作与发展的普遍愿望。
It's necessary to instil the minds of the youth with lofty ideals. 把崇高理想灌输到年青人的思想中去是很必要的。
Are we doing enough to instil a sense of social responsibility in young people? 对于培养年轻人社会责任感,我们做得是否够了?
Education programmes to instil the values of respect and tolerance in children and youth were extremely important, therefore. 向儿童和青年灌输尊重和容忍观念的活动极为重要。
Three years on, I have not found the fear Mr sants was hoping to instil. 三年过去了,我在市场中并没有看到桑特所希望灌输的那种畏惧。
The team certainly has the quality, it only needs Van Gaal to instil the tactics and belief. 该小组当然有质量,它只需要范加尔灌输战术和信仰。
UNICEF is working to address this by educating children about healthy lifestyles and helping to instil optimism. 儿童基金会正在努力解决这一问题,方法是通过对儿童进行健康生活方式的教育,帮助他们树立乐观态度。
This attack, and others like it, is designed to instil fear and terror among Israeli civilians. 这一袭击和其他类似的袭击旨在让以色列平民感到害怕和惊恐。
We need to instil a sense of urgency in the public on the issue of poverty reduction. 在减少贫穷问题上,我们必须向公众灌输一种紧迫感。
Improvement is needed in participatory research to further instil ownership by women's national offices. 需要进一步改进参与性研究,使各国家妇女办事处能够进一步灌输所有权思想。
Governments can play an additional role by adopting educational curricula that instil values of peace and tolerance. 各国政府可以通过采用逐步灌输和平和容忍价值观的教育课程,发挥进一步作用。
The task of a systemic regulator will be superhuman without the transparency and tools to instil market discipline. 如果没有透明度和灌输市场纪律的相关工具,那么系统监管者的任务就会是人力所不能及的。
Emphasize efforts to instil wider knowledge and multiple coping capabilities in local communities. 注重旨在向当地社区提供更为广泛的知识和多种应对能力的努力。
We must instil in developed societies an understanding that they are not alone in the world. 我们必须逐渐让发达社会理解,世界上并非光有他们。
The intention is to inflict suffering and instil fear. 其意图是制造痛苦和恐怖。
They build on a city's comparative advantages and natural assets to instil a sense of ownership. 它们以某个城市的相对优势和自然资源为基础来灌输一种主人翁感。
And, on a deeper level, I daresay we could instil hope and belief in the future in a world of growing fear and growing suspicion. 从更深一层讲,我敢说我们会使人们在一个恐惧和猜疑不断扩大的世界中对未来产生希望和信心。
Such measures will provide protection to the beleaguered Palestinians and instil hope for the peace process. 这些措施将保护受围困的巴勒斯坦人,使人们对和平进程充满希望。
I consider it important to instil a pride in the players. 我认为使运动员逐步感到自豪是很重要的。
In that regard, we must instil the ideal of peace in the educational system, especially as regards young people. 在这方面,我们必须在教育系统中灌输和平的理想,尤其是对青年这样做。
We instil in our children girls and boys alike the sacred principle that the individual is the means and the end of all human endeavour. 我们向我们的孩子们女童和男童灌输这样一个神圣原则,即个人是一切人类努力的手段和目标。
We must instil in all Timorese the enthusiasm for taking their destiny in their own hands. 我们必须在所有东帝汶人当中注入把命运掌握在自己手中的热情。
They must also instil in them the spirit and value of moderation and tolerance, as well as to promote positive interaction between the various religions and beliefs. 他们还必须向青年灌输温和与容忍的精神和价值观,并倡导不同宗教和信仰间的积极互动。
The two organizations conducted several regional studies on the functioning of parliaments in conflict and post-conflict environments and the role of such parliaments in helping to instil peace. 这两个组织进行了几项区域研究,探讨在冲突和冲突后的环境中议会的运作和这些国家议会帮助促进和平的作用。
The United States has laboured for over 50 years to help us instil principles of democracy in our leadership and in our children and has nurtured our young institutions. 50多年来,美国始终努力帮助我们在领导和儿童中灌输民主原则,培育我国年轻的机构。
It is indeed our major responsibility to instil, uphold and restore greater respect for the rule of law, not only at home but also throughout the world. 我们的主要职责的确是灌输、坚持和恢复对法治的更大程度的尊重,不仅是在国内这样做,而且要在整个世界这样做。
The aim of social education is to develop communication and co-operation skills accepting the difference of opinions and convictions without infringing on other people's interests and to instil a tolerant attitude to differences of people. 社会教育的目的是发展沟通和合作技巧,在不侵犯他人利益的基础上接受观点与信念的差异,培养对人与人的差异采取容忍态度。