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2016-04-13 04:45








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  1. The communication is therefore incompatible ratione materiae with article 25.
  2. It accordingly considers that this complaint is incompatible ratione materiae under article 3 of the Optional Protocol.
  3. As for immunity ratione materiae, he hoped the Commission would study possible sources, State practice and other relevant materials.
  4. According to another view, the jurisdiction ratione materiae of both Tribunals should be narrowly defined.
  5. Further consideration should be given to the question of the jurisdiction ratione materiae of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal.
  6. The State party accordingly concludes that this claim is inadmissible ratione materiae under the Covenant.
  7. The scope ratione materiae of a future convention should not be limited to sexual exploitation and related offences, but should extend to crimes of an economic nature, such as illicit trafficking in drugs and precious materials.
  8. The issue will be discussed further in a subsection below devoted to the interplay between immunity ratione materiae and the rules establishing international crimes.
  9. In this respect, it is noteworthy that the counsel for France seems to have acknowledged the existence, as a matter of principle, of a rule granting immunity ratione materiae to State officials in general.
  10. The principle that State officials in general enjoy immunity ratione materiae finds support in the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
  11. Furthermore, the principle according to which immunity ratione materiae is enjoyed by State officials in general finds support in the case law of domestic courts.
  12. Thus, the scope ratione materiae of the 1993 Lugano Convention has been criticized as being too general and going beyond the situation obtaining in some States in respect of environmental damage as such.
  13. The first one ( ratione materiae) is whether the privileges and immunities that are usually granted need to be supplemented with other legal facilities better adapted to the needs of disaster relief operations.
  14. Procedural issues: Inadmissibility ratione materiae, non re-evaluation of facts and evidence, accessory character of article 2
  15. The view that immunity ratione materiae applies to State officials in general has also been expressed by the counsel for Djibouti in the Djibouti v. France case.
  16. More specifically, the Commission had supported the Special Rapporteur's view that all State officials should be covered by the topic, given that they all enjoyed immunity ratione materiae.
  17. 4.2 The State party also claims that the communication is inadmissible ratione materiae because the right to a pension is not protected by the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
  18. In the legal literature, it has also been suggested that an act which is exclusively or predominantly motivated by personal reasons would not be covered by immunity ratione materiae.
  19. However, it has not invoked its reservation ratione   materiae to article 22 that this guarantee only applies subject "to the provisions of the local laws including the Constitution of the Republic of Korea".
  20. Turning to the scope of application ratione materiae, he said that a future convention should provide for extraditable offences, but should not contain a list of specific crimes to be covered.
  21. In addition, various natural disasters have different distinguishing features: an analysis of such features may have to be undertaken in the process of delineating the scope ratione materiae.
  22. The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States has also been presented as the justification for immunity ratione materiae.
  23. It also supported expanding the scope ratione materiae to include crimes other than sexual exploitation, including theft, fraud, money-laundering and torture.
  24. With regards to the ratione materiae of the above mentioned agreements it has to date not appeared necessary for the Czech Republic, as a landlocked state, to become a party to them.
  25. In these circumstances, the Committee considers that article 14, paragraph 6, does not apply in the present case, and this claim is inadmissible ratione materiae under article 3 of the Optional Protocol.
  26. However, the Court did not directly address the question of the possible existence of such an exception in connection with the immunity ratione materiae of a former minister for foreign affairs.
  27. It is also within the jurisdiction of Egyptian courts to try certain crimes that take place outside Egyptian territory, in accordance with the principle of ratione materiae ( Egyptian Penal Code, article 2, paragraph 2).
  28. Support was expressed for the Special Rapporteur's view that all State officials should be covered by the topic, given that they enjoy immunity ratione materiae.
  29. Counsel's contentions in respect of various stages of the pre-removal procedure are incompatible ratione materiae with article 3 of the Convention.
  30. There are only two possibilities. One is that the States Parties to the Convention proceeded on the premise that no immunity could exist ratione materiae in respect of torture, a crime contrary to international law.


