It is necessary to translate this obiter dictum of the International Court of Justice into a politically binding decision and eventually a legal convention. 有必要把国际法院的这项附带意见化为具有政治约束力的决定,并最终化为一项法律公约。
In an obiter dictum, a German court of appeal stated that the sale of standard software can be considered a sale of goods, at least where the software is not custom-made. 一个德国上诉法院在一份附言中指出,可将标准软件销售视为货物销售,至少在软件并非定制的情况下。
Obiter in any case the agent was given no authority to sign an agreement of sale, he was only authorized to find a purchaser for the vendor to deal with. 另外,代理商在任何情况下均无权签署销售协议,他仅被授权为卖主寻找买主。
The statement is obiter dicta because the Court determined that any immunity that the Marcos's may have had had been waived in any case; ibid., p. 44. 该陈述为附带意见,因为国家法院判定马科斯享有的任何豁免可能已完全放弃;同上,第44页。
SION-GER Obiter Industrial limited is a construction, building materials company, is registered by the relevant state departments of enterprises. 中德欧比特尔实业有限公司是一家建筑、建材的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。