Gist is basically a paste tool, similar to Pastie. Gist是一个粘帖工具,与Pastie类似。
With the addition of SMAP files, regular Java debuggers, eg jdb, can step through Ruby code compiled to bytecode ( sample pastie showing how to step through a Ruby file using jdb). 通过加入SMAP文件,常用的Java调试器如jdb可以单步跟踪已编译成字节码的Ruby代码(该示例显示了如何使用jdb单步跟踪Ruby文件)。
Gist works the same way-except with a twist: the pasted text ends up in a git repository, which is accessible via a git clone URL-it can be checked out with a git client program. Gist与Pastie的原理是一样的,只不过它还有一样绝招:粘帖的文本会被放进一个git仓库,仓库可以通过一个git克隆URL访问,还可以用git客户端程序检出。