The luxury residential, business and reputation Pointe residents mostly banking business. 由于住宅豪华,誉皇居住客多数为商界和银行界巨子。
Reputation Pointe residential, but also has 180 square metres of sky gardens. 誉皇居住宅,还设有180平方米的空中花园。
Teach a classroom full of aspiring ballerinas with helpful instruction from a ballet and pointe teacher in this free video on ballet exercises. 课堂教学中的有志这个芭蕾舞免费视频帮助指令从足尖芭蕾和充分练习芭蕾舞老师。
Living in New Orleans had become too difficult for him, considering his needs and the necessity to care for his father, and he wanted Pointe du Lac. 对他来说,呆在新奥尔良变得非常困难,考虑到他的需要和对他父亲的照顾,他想要普都拉。
Certainly, no one who heard his husky-voiced tribute to "the boys of Pointe du Hoc" 40 years after they scaled the walls of Hitler's Fortress Europe is likely to forget the experience. 当然,没有人谁听到他沙哑,表示敬意“的特杜特设男孩”40年后,他们规模希特勒的欧洲城堡的墙壁是不会忘记的经验。
And we three are the sleeping Lestat, and his two faithful fledglings& Louis de Pointe du Lac, and I, David Talbot, the author of this tale. 这三人分别是:沉睡中的莱斯特,以及他的两位忠实尚且稚嫩的血族朋友&路易,和我大卫·泰博特,这个故事的作者。
Health Pointe, a patented technology, research institutions, the U. S. weight control the outcome of years of research. “健康行”是一项专利技术,是美国体重控制研究机构多年研究的成果。
According to Mr. Karapetyan, the plane was making a technical landing enroute to Pointe Noire and arrived empty at Kisangani on that date. 据Karapetyan先生说,该机在飞往黑角途中作了一次技术性降落,并于同日空机飞抵基桑加尼。
At least we don't have to worry about Harbour Pointe any more. 起码来说,我们不必再为波因特港工程劳心费力。
Pointe Venus Lighthouse.: Black sand beach and clear blue water by a fishing reef. 金星灯塔:钓鱼礁周围黑色的沙滩,蔚蓝的海水。
Central Africa: Douala, Pointe Noire 中部非洲:杜阿拉、黑角
It is pointe that improper selection of measurement points and time interval of measurement in noise environmental impact assessment may lead to incorrect measurement and prediction results. 前言:在工业企业噪声环境影响评价中,由于测点与测量时段选择的不妥,导致测量及预测值“以偏代全”的结果;
Shorter shank and elastic goring that wraps around the underside of the shoe combine to enhance the dancer's pointe. 较短的刀柄和弹性戈林,包裹周围的鞋的底面结合起来,提高舞者的足尖。
Finally, the paper elaborated the whole system's security and some pointe that need improving. 最后,阐述了整个系统安全性以及需要完善和改进之处。
Thats wholly different from the US, where billionaires reside everywhere, not just in New York and Dallas, but in places like Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan and Mankato, Minnesota. 美国的情况则完全不同,美国的亿万富豪住在哪里的都有,不仅是在纽约和达拉斯,还有密西根州的格罗斯普海岸密西根和明尼苏达州的曼卡多市。
The highest-ranking Central and South American city is again Pointe-à-Pitre ( 49), followed by San Juan ( 69) and Montevideo ( 70). 最高级别的中美洲和南美洲的城市又是特-à-彼得雷(49),由圣胡安(69)和蒙得维的亚(70)之后。
The ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a lamppost. 芭蕾舞娘优雅地以脚尖站立,把另一只瘦长的腿伸到身后,正像一只狗把脚斜靠在灯柱上一样。
Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, 6 June 1984 1984年6月6日于诺曼底奥克角
-The tripartite summit meeting on security matters held at Pointe Noire on 18 July 2002 among Angola, Gabon and the Congo; -2002年7月18日,安哥拉、加蓬、刚果就安全问题在黑角举行三方首脑会晤;
Nearly all cases have been reported from the port city of Pointe Noire, with cases also reported from Niari ( 5), Bouenza ( 2), Brazzaville ( 1), and Kouilou ( 2). 报告的几乎所有病例均发生在港口城市黑角,少数病例出现在尼阿里(5例)、布恩扎(2例)、布拉柴维尔(1例)和奎卢(2例)。
Members of the NHRC also visited all the prisons in Mauritius including "Pointe la Gueule" in Rodrigues during the year 2007 to examine conditions of detention therein. 2007年,国家人权委员会的成员还访问了毛里求斯的所有监狱,包括设在罗德里格的“PointelaGueule”,检查其关押条件。