No smoking, threwing and spiting in the workers 'canteen. 员工餐厅内禁止吸烟,乱丢杂物和随地吐痰。
The BBC reported this morning that China is trying to ban spiting in public. BBC今天早上报道,说中国正在试图立法禁止随地吐痰。
Is there any law to forbidden spiting on the street everywhere? 这里有没有不准在街上随地吐痰的法律?
The scroll begins from the right side with a purple dressing lady, holding a horsetail whisk turning sideways to amuse a puppy with spiting tongue and waging tail. 图卷的右起是一位身披紫色纱衫的贵妇,手执拂尘侧身转首逗一只摇尾吐舌的小狗。
Recognization and Treatment of the Phenomena of Casing Leaked Water Wells Spiting Water to the Formation 套管漏失水井地层吐水现象的认识与治理