We also made detailed introduction of tedding, watering and gathering after spreading. 本文对铺麻后的翻晒、浇水及收麻做了详细的说明。
The LSR is significantly decreased as the hay moisture and tedding moisture content drops. 干草叶茎比随其含水量的下降而显著降低,也随着翻晒时的含水量降低而降低。
The technical flow is: plucking the fresh green tea with one bud and three leaves, tedding six hours, fixing the enzyme by steam until the stem cannot be broken off. 绿茶鲜汁的加工工艺为:采摘嫩度为一芽三叶的鲜叶,摊放6h后,蒸汽杀青90s,杀青标准为鲜叶嫩茎不能折断。