The concept of liability was developed in domestic law in connection with tortious acts. 赔偿责任的概念是从与侵权行为有关的国内法中形成的。
On Coincidence between Liability for Breach of Contract and Tortious Liability in Contract Law 论合同法中违约责任与侵权责任的竞合
Highway enterprises should bear the environmental tortious liability resulting from damages of traffic noise pollution. 公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境侵权责任。
Study on the Tortious Liability of Internet Service Provider 网络服务提供者侵权责任研究
When patent right is infringed, you can consign our office to proceed against tortious person to court. 专利权受到侵犯时,可以委托本所向人民法院起诉侵权者,或向管理专利工作部门请求处理侵权者。
The administrative department of copyright under the State Council may investigate and punish a tortious act of national influence. 国务院著作权行政管理部门可以查处在全国有重大影响的侵权行为。
On the Application of State Immunity to Tortious Acts 论国家豁免在国家从事侵权行为中的适用
In the Rainbow Warrior arbitration, the Tribunal affirmed that "in the international law field there is no distinction between contractual and tortious responsibility". 在彩虹勇士仲裁案中,法庭认为“国际法领域不区分契约责任和侵权责任”。
Everyone is protected against tortious acts, including the embryo. 所有人都受侵权法的保护,包括胎儿在内。
On the Tortious Liability of a Parent Company 试论母公司的侵权行为责任
The compromise that reachs according to3 companies and judiciary agreement, they need not admit him existence is tortious, but must be fine of this pay a huge sum. 根据三家公司和司法部达成的和解协议,它们不必承认自己存在非法行为,但须为此缴纳巨额罚金。
The authors analyze the main problem that tortious law settles, if compassing a performable contract between the victim and the victimizer, can make the private cost and social cost of tortious go consistently. 分析了侵权法主要解决的问题是能否在受害方与施害方之间达成一个可执行的契约,使侵权的私人成本与社会成本趋于一致。
The work does not infringe the copyright, trademark, publicity rights, common law rights or any other right of any third party or constitute defamation, invasion of privacy or other tortious injury to any third party. 本著作并未侵害著作权、商标权、民事法权利、任何第三人之任何权利或对任何第三人构成诽谤、侵犯隐私权或其他侵权之损害。
Article 33 A party with full civil capacity who, due to temporary loss of conscious or control, causes damage to another party in a wrong shall have tortious liability. 第三十三条完全民事行为能力人对自己的行为暂时没有意识或者失去控制造成他人损害有过错的,应当承担侵权责任;
The coincidence of contractual and tortious liabilities is a common phenomenon in judicial practice, and it attracts differed theories. 合同责任与侵权责任竞合是司法实践中常见的法律现象,理论上存在不同的学说。
To define the tortious conduct in theory and prescribe it in legislation is a problem related to torts law and the entire legislation system of civil law. 从理论上界定侵权行为并在立法上将其一般条款化,关系到侵权法乃至整个民法典的立法体系问题。
Tortious to common clone website, also can inform against to branch of inspect of public security net and communication management department. 对于普通的克隆网站非法行为,也可以向公安网监部门和通讯管理部门举报。
Article 29 A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile. 第二十九条因侵权行为提起的诉讼,由侵权行为地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。
The second part states current internet space tortious status, methods and styles of personal privacy right which has been infringed. 第二部分阐述了目前网络空间中个人隐私权遭受侵害的现状及侵权方式及类型;
Game Analysis on Liability Division of Tortious Damages Compensation 侵权赔偿责任划分的博弈分析
A party who induces or assists another party without or with limited civil capacity in committing a tortious act shall have tort liability. 教唆、帮助无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人实施侵权行为的,应当承担侵权责任;
The tortious causality is the precondition for civil liability as a result of harm or illegal state. 侵权行为法中的因果关系是使人对某种损害结果或不法事态承担民事责任的必备条件,对因果关系的研究也成为侵权法上的重要课题;
The law application of alien-involved product obligation is an important issue in the tortious doings of law application system, belonging to the reserch field of international private law. 涉外产品责任法律适用是侵权行为法律适用制度中的一个重要问题,属于国际私法研究领域。
In case it is necessary to undertake civil liabilities due to the tortious acts of the ward, the liabilities shall be borne by the guardian, unless there are different stipulations; 因被监护人的侵权行为需要承担民事责任的,应当由监护人承担,但另有约定的除外;
Tortious conduct of violating obligation of safeguard 违反安全保障义务侵权行为
What should be clearly defined is the confirmation and responsibility of tortious liability concerning sunshine interests violation on the basis of re-examination. 应当就日照权的侵权责任认定、承担责任的方式等,在重新审视的基础上加以明确规定。
There is no restriction on the range of interests that protected by tort law in the France Civil Code, which is known as an unrestricted tortious composing. 法国民法典不限制侵权法保护利益的范围,是非限定性的侵权构成。
Accordingly, constructing the system of the tortious liability in our country. 从而,来构建我国的不作为侵权责任体系。
There is much false, disloyal information on the network, it is fraudulent action even, we pay close attention to closely, a few righter also tortious undertook investigating. 网络上存在着大量的虚假、不实信息,甚至是欺诈行为,我们密切关注,也对一些非法行为进行了查处。
On the Basics and Application of Causation Doctrine of Causative Potency in Tortious Activities; The theory of relative causality is reasonable and influential among the theories of causality in criminal law. 原因力的因果关系理论基础及其具体应用在刑法因果关系的理论中,相当因果关系理论较有影响,也具有相当合理性的特点。