This account cannot be deleted since there are some unsent messages for it. 该帐户不能删除,因为它还有一些消息未发送。
Messages with unsent or retrying status are still in the mail queue and may be sent at any time. 具有“未发送”或“正在重试”状态的消息仍位于邮件队列中,并可能随时发送。
Delivery failed for 1 message. This message has been left in the Unsent Messages folder. 有一条消息传递失败。此消息仍留在“未发送消息”文件夹中。
You have unsent messages in your Outbox. Do you want to go online and send them now? 您的发件箱中有尚未发送的邮件。是否要现在联机发送邮件?
The` Unsent Messages 'folder is special; it is only for storing messages to be sent later. 未发送消息'文件夹是特殊的;它只用于保存以后要发送的消息。
You have aborted the posting of articles. The unsent articles are stored in the "Outbox" folder. 您已中止发送此文章。未发送文章已被存储到“发件箱”目录内。
You have unsent messages in your outbox. do you want to send them now? “发件箱”中还有未发的邮件。是否现在发送?
You have unsent messages, do you wish to quit anyway? 您有未发送信息,您仍然想要退出吗?
Send unsent messages when going online? 在转入联机工作时发出未发送的消息?
There are unsent bug commands. Do you want to send them now? 尚有未发出的臭虫命令,您要现在发出它们吗?
Will close immediately and any unsent data will be lost. 将立即关闭,所有未发送的数据都将丢失。
An unsent message cannot be flagged complete. 不能将未发送的邮件标记为要完成。
The 'Unsent Messages' folder is special; 未发送消息'文件夹是特殊的;
Linger on close if unsent data is present. 如果存在未发送的数据,则在关闭时逗留。
It's essentially an unsent letter that became a song. 它其实是由一封未寄出的信改成的歌曲。
The requested object is only available in unsent Forwards, Replies, or New email messages 要求的对象只能用于尚未发送的转发、答复或新撰写的电子邮件
The unsent log records accumulate in the transaction log of the principal database until the session resumes and the principal server has sent the log records to the mirror server. 未发送的日志记录将堆积在主体数据库的事务日志中,直到会话恢复并且主体服务器将它们发送到镜像服务器为止。
Former US president Harry S. Truman, former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American author Mark Twain all wrote unsent angry letters. 同样出任过美国总统的哈里•杜鲁门、曾经的英国首相温斯顿•丘吉尔以及美国作家马克•吐温都曾写过这样的愤怒信。
Sorrow comes unsent for. 悲哀来时不须邀。
Will attempt to transmit unsent data after closing, create a 在关闭之后的多长时间内继续尝试传送未发送的数据,请创建一个
The missive remains unwritten and unsent. 这件公文未写也未发出去。
There are two benefits of unsent letter, says Konnikova: It serves as a type of emotional catharsis, a way to let it all out without the repercussions of true engagement. 科尼科娃认为这种做法有两方面好处,一是作为感性宣泄感情的方式,在不会产生实际影响的情况下把感情全部发泄出来。
It is through monologues especially Herzog's unsent mental letters that such space is rich in profound thoughts, depicting modernist condition of existence and the protagonist's inner feelings of outer world, reflecting the crisis of bourgeois humanism. 这一空间因借助于内心独白尤其赫索格的一封封未寄出的信而富有深刻的思想内涵,描绘了现代主义的生存形态及主人公内心对外部世界的感受,反映了资产阶级人道主义的危机。