Some Korean doctors are voicing concern. 一些韩国医生表达了担忧。
The kids 'views on life don't always coincide, but they're not afraid of voicing their opinions. 孩子们的人生观并不总是一致,但他们敢于表达自己的观点。
In fact, Chinese leaders have been voicing more concern recently over the US economy than about their own. 事实上,与自身经济相比,中国领导人们近来对美国经济表达了更多的关切。
He is voicing the complaint of all old people. 他说出了所有老人的抱怨。
But business leaders and others are voicing concern about the long-term consequences. 但企业领导人已在表达对其长期影响的忧虑。
This time there are all kinds of slogans but none voicing opposition to reform. 这次什么口号都出来了,但是没有打倒改革的口号。
In Cuba no one is arrested or tried for his or her religious beliefs or for voicing their opinions. 在古巴没有人会因他或她的宗教信仰或发表见解而被逮捕或遭受审讯。
And many drivers have been voicing their frustrations with the new rules. 许多司机被表达他们对新规则的不满。
Yet voicing criticism of China is almost too convenient. 然而,发表针对中国的批评几乎太过便利了。
These responses are just some of the recent examples of people voicing their discontent with the professional news media. 这些回复还只是人们对专业新闻媒体表达不满的最近的一些例子。
Some of us fear that if we begin voicing disagreement, we'll lose our friends and family. 我们有些人担心如果我们开始表达意见不同,我们就将会失去朋友、家人。
This faint trace Jiangnan rain fragrant writing also is voicing beautiful feelings. 这一丝丝江南雨芬芳的文字也表达着一份美丽的心情。
Zimbabweans living in South Africa are voicing grief and suspicion over the incident. 南非的津巴布韦人对这次事故表示悲痛和怀疑。
From such figures, women appear to be participating in managing funds and in voicing their perspectives and needs. 根据这些数字,妇女看来参与了基金管理,并提出自己的见解和需要。
By Thursday, about 500 people did, voicing a mix of amazement and concern about the new technology. 截至本周四,大约500人提供了反馈,对这种新技术有惊叹也有担心。
He was also not averse to ranking members of Orascom voicing their political opinions during the protests. 他也并不反对Orascom的发声的抗议期间他们的政治观点高级成员。
There were hundreds and thousands of people who came on the streets voicing their opinions. 有成百上千的人走上街头表达他们的意见。
First let me start by voicing my opinion on this season. 首先请让我陈述关于这个赛季,我的看法。
We very much enjoy working with them, sharing experiences, voicing concerns and hearing each other's thoughts and ideas. 我们非常乐于与他们共事、交流经验、表达关切和听取彼此的思想和想法。
A recent development has been to use Tamil characters with numeric subscripts indicating voicing and aspiration. 近期已经发展成使用泰米尔字母,连带有写在下放的数字,标志着表达和欲望。
Even nations in Africa and the Middle East that have benefited from China's oil demand and foreign aid are now voicing discomfort with its economic rise. 甚至是从中国石油需求和援助中获益的非洲和中东国家如今也开始表达对中国经济崛起的不安。
I am writing this plea and voicing these prophetic words, in genuine concern for America's children, the world's children, our future, our collective freedom and safety. 我写这一篇呼吁性的文章和所提出的对未来的预测,是出于由衷的对美国儿女和世界儿女的关心、对我们的未来以及全人类的自由与和平的关注。
But people are participating less and voicing disenchantment with the traditional institutions of democracy. 但人民参与减少,并声言对传统的民主体制不再抱幻想。
While industry leaders feel that the competition is healthy, some of the old-line male designers are voicing concern. 当产业领袖们感到那是良性竞争的时候,一些保守的男性设计师们出了表示关注的声音。
India is voicing concerns about China's growing influence in the Indian Ocean region. 印度对中国在印度洋地区日益扩大的影响表示关注。
The board must also represent the interests of all stakeholders by voicing the range of their concerns. 董事会还应该代表所有利益相关者的利益,提出他们关心的问题。
This provided a platform for identifying and voicing the views of the business community relating to national negotiating positions on WTO issues. 这为商业部门提供了一个平台,可以就世贸组织问题上的国家谈判地位确定和表达看法。
Whistleblowing should always be the last resort in voicing dissent. 告密应该是表达异议的最后途径。
Instead of voicing our real position, we smile, nod, make cheerful mumbling sounds. 我们不是说出真正的立场,而是微笑、点头、发出一些愉快地含糊不清的话语。
But, aware that this is an appropriate forum for voicing the claims of our young people, we have come here in the hope that they will be heard and taken into account. 但是,认识到这是表达我国青年诉求的一个适当论坛,我们来到这里,希望我国青年的诉求能够得到表达和考虑。